Combating AI-Generated Fake Images (QCon SF 2023)

Combating AI-Generated Fake Images (QCon SF 2023)

October 04, 2023

Kate Sills speaking at QCon SF 2023

I had the opportunity to speak at Qcon SF on combating AI-generated fake images, as part of a fantastic track including Ryan Dahl (creator of Node.js) and Miško Hevery (creator of Angular.) The talk explored my work with Starling Lab on a system to register images and share attestations.

The talk was recorded, and the slides and recording are available.

QCon also wrote an article summarizing the talk.

Combating AI-Generated Fake Images

Download all slides as a pdf.

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Karaoke enthusiast, master gardener, 2-acre amateur homesteader in the Sierras, atheist, feminist, book lover, farm kid, terrible skier. Software engineer and consultant. Past: engineering lead on Agoric's smart contract framework. | Github | Bluesky | Twitter

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